Sunday, November 2, 2008

Art Exposure + Good Cause

For questions, comments, or donations to the Cystic Fibrosis Wine Opener, please e-mail me @

Thank you for your interest!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Joel Kelly Design: Interior & Architectural Design


business card


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rats in the City - A Type Collage

rats in new york city

they scurry around the pipes inside the walls...

...and crawl beneath the city streets inside the sewers.

rats consume approximately  250 tons of food a day, which seems like an absurd number...

...but since 8 pups are in each litter, and each female rat has 2 - 3 litters a year, you can only imagine how many rats need to be fed...

...experts say that for every human in new york city, there is one rat.

humans and rats have never gotten along, in 1997, 184 people reported getting bit by a rat.... wonder so many people are scared of them.

The Global Warming Project (DVD Documentary) - Viral Campaign

teaser poster 1

teaser poster 2

teaser poster 3

dvd poster

The Global Warming Project - DVD Documentary

dvd package - unfolded exterior

dvd package - unfolded interior

Rally Promotion - Bring Home Our Troops


awareness cards - front

awareness cards - back

The Graphic Design of David Carson - Book Cover

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Skate Escape - Logo

brief - overview


brief - deliverables